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A Peaceful Autumn with Your Pup

By Kat Kelly

It’s that time of year again.

The leaves are changing, there is a chill in the air, and everything is pumpkin spice or cider flavored. It’s the perfect time to get out and take a stroll or open the windows and let the fall breeze dance through your house.

Dogs love this time of year too! Nicer weather means longer walks and more time at the park. The air carries in lots of interesting, new smells. Businesses are rolling out tasty fall-themed dog treats. 

While we want to enjoy this time of year with our furry best friends, we need to make sure they stay safe as well. Below are some examples of how to make sure your pups enjoy this season as much as you do, with commands to practice.

Walks and Playtime

Now that it is cooler outside, we may want to take a longer stroll or let our dogs have a bit more playtime outside. This is great for burning up that doggy energy that has been building up all day! What we need to watch out for is when that energy is depleted. They may not be used to the extra exercise. When our dogs get too tired, that is when injuries or temper tantrums may happen. You might notice they are slowing down, panting heavily, or paying less attention to you on a walk. If they are in a playgroup, you may notice the pups getting a bit sassy with each other (getting snippy or growly), not unlike sleepy toddlers. Use your recall or touch commands to help your pup out of this situation. Then, leash ’em upthis is a good time to head home and take a break! 

Training commands: Loose leash walking, Recall, Touch

Enjoying the Fall Air

This might not sound like a common issue, but you would be surprised by the number of dogs that escape their home by just hopping out of an open window! If you want to experience the lovely breeze while inside, try to only open windows that your pup does not have easy access to, or make sure there is a sufficient barrier up in front of the window. Dogs can bust through window screens. If you have a backdoor that you like to leave open, make sure you escape-proof your yard as well as you can. This way us humans and our fuzzy friends can enjoy the lovely weather safely!

Training commands: Emergency recall, Touch, Go to Place, Stay

‘Tis the Season of Yummy Treats

The tastiest human treats come along this time of year: caramel, baked goods, seasonal beers, Halloween candy, etc. Who is always waiting for us to drop a piece: our ever-hopeful pups of course! During gatherings or picnics, it may be easy to get distracted and leave a chocolatey snack or frosty beer unattended. If consumed by our pups, some items can be quite harmful or potentially deadly. Let’s make sure we leave our goodies out of reach and maybe get a dog-friendly pumpkin snack as a reward while practicing the leave-it command!

Training commands: Leave it, Drop, Go to Place

With these tips in mind, you and your pup can both enjoy this lovely time of year!